Our Facilitators

We met three decades ago as students and then as faculty members at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Since then we have been on a joint path training in Hellinger Family Constellations, trauma work and early childhood development. Now, we come together as midwives of spiritual birth.
We combine our strengths of love for the arts with appreciation for form, (creativity with structure), heart with mind, and insight with empathy and spiritual connection. All of these qualities are utilized in designing meaningful and healing ceremonies for clients.
We welcome participants whose time has come to dive deep into the sacred mystery and the light of renewed vision. —Joyce & Marina
Joyce Belmonte
In my international travels I have been blessed to experience the insight and guidance of several indigenous healers. These wise ones, their ancient lands, and their ceremonies call to me and remind me of the truth of these words:
“The ancients knew something, which we seem to have forgotten. It is entirely possible that behind the perception of our senses, worlds are hidden of which we are unaware.” —Albert Einstein
The greatest gift in my life right now is guiding individuals in uncovering what the ancients knew . . . to remember what we have forgotten. It is time for us to see the hidden worlds within and all around us.
Long walks in nature—where the play of sunlight through the woods lights up a myriad of greens in the leaves—reminds me of the variations of colored light in and around each one of us. Joy fills me when that same light is illuminated in clients during a facilitated immersive journey.
In my personal experience, and as a facilitator, ceremonies allow us to see the deeper mysteries of life revealing our authentic individual nature and purpose. This opens us to experience visions into the root source of our connection with all things.
In 30 years as an international healer, teacher and Integrative Therapist, my goal is always to be sensitive to safety and compassion in working with individuals and groups. In this setting a client’s intrinsic wisdom to heal can emerge.
It is the mind’s magnificence and the brilliance of the body which first captured my curiosity. Extensive studies of body-centered approaches—including Brennan Healing Science, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Trager Psycho-physical Integration, and eclectic massage—create an environment that allows for the gentle awakening of consciousness in our bodies. The marriage of the mind with the body provides a fuller foundation for our personal and spiritual journeys.
My calling now is to help clients clarify their intuitive longings, heal long-standing restrictive and addictive thought patterns and explore places of inner strength, loving kindness and authentic essence.
— Joyce Belmonte
“I think God is on Earth, inside every living being. What we call “the Divine” is none other than the energy of awakening, of peace, of understanding, and of love, which is to be found not only in every human being, but in every species on Earth.” — Thich Nhat Hahn
Marina Gottlieb Sarles
I have a deep passion for the ocean, and for helping others dive into the depths of deeper self-awareness. This passion has been a constant current flowing through my life. My work today in earth-sourced enlightenment journeys is built on a strong foundation of extensive experience as a faculty member of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, as a Hellinger-trained Family Constellation practitioner, and as a physical therapist. I also have in-depth training in the fields of early childhood development and trauma. As a leader of self-discovery workshops, I’ve orchestrated safe and compassionate spaces for energy healing, shadow work, and trauma-processing. My greatest joy is assisting others in opening their hearts more fully to themselves, to the world, and to the cosmos. I love witnessing how the inner journey can dramatically affect a person’s outer life for the better.
In working with the wisdom of time-honored ceremony and non-ordinary states—in the flow of universal Source energy—my heart blossoms. I find myself far less judgmental of my own weaknesses and those of others. That in itself is a great gift and learning for me.
I have known struggle, illness, grief, and resistance, but my resistance to realizing my real benevolent nature—my authentic and alive self—softens in ceremony, and impels me to gently open to another world beyond my limited way of thinking. A world of color, spirit, truth, wisdom, and creativity calls for me to explore this eternal apex of awareness and peace—an unending vibrant wellspring within my being. In sacred ceremony, I experience a sense of old constrictive patterns dissolving. At the same time, I am given new insights and perspectives about my life, and about issues that I have carried for a lifetime, or should I say, lifetimes. Often, I am able to see new ways of looking at the world, my past, present, and future. In these moments, I truly recognize that I am not separate from anyone or from any part of nature. Journeying has also been very valuable in expanding my horizons as an artist, author, and beholder of reverence. I invite you to experience your own personal pathway to transformative spiritual encounters with the sacred mystery. My deepest longing is to share this life-changing experience. I find it an ocean of insight and beauty—a tremendous benefit which supports clients in making conscious shifts. When we align with the true compassionate wise self, we all work together in creating a more kind and conscious world.
— Marina Gottlieb Sarles
This is the dance . . .
That I do with the humans I love.
This is the dance I do as I create.
This is the dance I do with the divine.
This is the dance I do with the sea.
This is the sacred dance
Of becomingunbecoming
Of remembering flow.
— Lucy H. Pearce, from She of the Sea